Woot Woot my very first Award :) Thank you Kelz for nominating me, I was so surprised & tickled to death over it!!
In order to qualify for the $5.00 Digi's with Attitude! Gift Certificate,
you must state 3 things that make you different from everyone else and you must nominate 5 blogs.
Lastly you must display the Blog Award Badge (above) in your sidebar and link it back to the Digi's With Attitude! Blog.
If you have been awarded the "I got Attitude! Blog Award" and you have followed all the steps please email dwacblog@live.com to claim your Gift Certificate.
Include your full name and your blog name. Only one Gift Certificate per person & blog please.
Gift Certificates will be sent to you within 48 hours of receipt on a business day via a reply to the email received.
Okay, 3 things that make me different from everyone else...
1. I have 12 piercings(now & days, not so different).
2. I'm obsessed with re-arranging my house lol.
OMG this is tough....I always feel different from the norms in my town but when I'm online with my PSP friends, I feel nothing is different about me. If ya really need a 3rd one...
3. I can't sit still for very long. I have to always be doing something or I feel guilt & I don't like feeling guilt!
Blogs I have nominated for the award....
Toxic Desirez I have been a huge fan since day 1 of my psp journey!!!
Schnegge's Tuts & Tags Another Fave since the beginning of learning.
Om's World is Truley a Beautiful person to have in your life.
Deadly Desire Tags is one of the finest taggers I know & has an Always list u should get on :)
Butterfly Kisses PSP World is the newest tutorials I have been playing with~FUN~.